1. Full Realism Name: Jakob Gustav Kedenburg
2. Age: 14
3. Country: United States
4. Previous ArmA Realism Units/Clans: 101st Airborne (Disbanded) 91st MCU (Also disbanded)
5. Were you dishonorably discharged from any of the above Units/Clans?:No
6. Are you able to take part on Sunday's at 7PM GMT (8PM GMT+1, 2PM EST)?: yes.
7. What does 'realism' mean to you, when compared with other gameplay styles?
A dedicated focus on realistic circumstances and effective military strategus.
8. Where did you hear about the 353. Infanterie-Division? (A forum? Steam?):
I found this group searching on the Taleworlds forum.
9. Do you have a working Microphone and/or Headset? (Required): Yes.
10. Are you willing to invest the necessary time (1 - 2 hours) to ensure that the above mods are installed and working correctly when recruited?:
Yes, and I can install all of the necessary mods independently.
11. Steam ID (This is your login/account name, found at the top of your Steam friends list.):
Morloc the Plainswalker Lord
My account can be hard to find, if you wish I can PM you the page URL.
12. Of the following two options, which would you be interested in enlisting in (Option A, or B)? B