1. Full Realism Name:
Erik Kunze
2. Age:
18 and 3/4
3. Country:
4. Previous ArmA Realism Units/Clans:
I have played Arma casually for about 3 years but never joined a clan
5. Were you dishonorably discharged from any of the above Units/Clans?:
6. Are you able to take part on Sunday's at 7PM GMT (8PM GMT+1, 2PM EST)?
yes I have a lot of free time
7. What does 'realism' mean to you, when compared with other gameplay styles?
Where you try to be as true to the real thing aspossible without making it too unfair for anyone
8. Why are you choosing the 353. Infanterie-Division?
I have a friend who recommeded this group to me
9. Where did you hear about the 353. Infanterie-Division? (A forum? Steam?):
from a friend
10. Do you have a working Microphone and/or Headset? (Required):
11. Steam ID (This is your login/account name, found at the top of your Steam friends list.):
but im curently named "GullGubben"
12. Of the following two options, which would you be interested in enlisting in (Option A, or B)?
I would like to be enlisted in option A Das Grenadier-Regimente