1. Full Realism Name:
Ralf Leitner
2. Age:
3. Country:
Czech Republic
4. Previous ArmA Realism Units/Clans:
I had my own Czech clan. Also I was part of 5th Royal Anglians.
5. Were you dishonorably discharged from any of the above Units/Clans?:
6. Are you able to take part on Sunday's at 7PM GMT (8PM GMT+1, 2PM EST)?
7. What does 'realism' mean to you, when compared with other gameplay styles?
Tactical movemenst, good communication and teamwork.
8. Why are you choosing the 353. Infanterie-Division?
It seems, you are the only one active clan in I44.
9. Where did you hear about the 353. Infanterie-Division? (A forum? Steam?):
10. Do you have a working Microphone and/or Headset? (Required):
Yes, I do
11. Steam ID (This is your login/account name, found at the top of your Steam friends list.):
12. Of the following two options, which would you be interested in enlisting in (Option A, or B)?